Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Best Version of Me

I read a lot - books, blogs, magazines, ads... you get the point.  The best are the ones that inspire me to do better, think better and be better.

One of my favourite hard-core, super-tough fitness girl blogs is The Clothes Make the Girl by Melissa Joulwan.  Melissa inspires me because she's tough, but totally real - and she shares some fantastic, very vegetably, recipes!

Also, Melissa wrote my possibly all time favourite blog post the other day - Best Versions of Us.  As someone who doesn't make new year's resolutions per-se, but does set goals all year round, this was a great way to kick-start some rethinking.

So what, you might ask, is the Best Version of me?

Well, the Best Version of me has friends & family over, and makes the time to sit and talk and laugh with them instead of worrying about the dishes.  The Best Version of me sleeps enough, eats lots of veggies & some chocolate, and bakes a lot.  The Best Version of me laughs out loud, blogs regularly, and hits the gym or yoga every morning.  The Best Version of me is surrounded by kids, doesn't worry if the house is cluttered, and is so organized it's a little painful.  The Best Version of me asks hard questions, sets goals like running 1/2 marathons (1st one is this spring!!), and travels lots.

Perhaps most importantly, the Best Version of me isn't perfect, but realizes that mistakes happen & rolls with them.

I'm going to work really hard at making 2011 the year where I refine, add to, and focus on the Best Version of me, so that I can give and love and share with every bit of energy.

What does the Best Version of you look like?

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh I love this post! Thx for sharing your friends blog too! You are right, it is inspiring!! You are a really great writer!!

    Best of luck on your "bests", I think they're all great ideas and goals!
